Monday, January 15, 2007

Lack of Inspiration = Motivation

I just got home from the gym. Not so remarkable. But when you consider that I hadn't been to a gym for... oooh... four years??? Now that's news!!

I put my somewhat musty exercise gear on and power-walked to the gym (about 15-20 mins). Then I had to fill out forms and do all the usual crap they make you do, go on a tour etc. I thought the guy would show me how to use the machines but no! So I started with the exercises my chiro wants me to do every day, and then hopped on an exercise bike. Almost 5km, pretty good for the first time, don't want to overdo it and be so sore I never go back!!!

Then I wandered around looking bewildered, searching for some weight machines that I recognised from my old gym. I found one and did four sets on that. Then I wandered round some more, sitting down at a machine, not for the life of me being able to work out how to use it, and then moving on to another one. Eventually I was rescued by Karl the hot Dutch fitness coach, who showed me the correct way to use half a dozen machines. Thank god for Karl!!!

After my workout I power walked home again, along the beach, and felt great! I was absolutely starving when I got home, I had expected to take about an hour and a half, instead I was gone for over two and a half hours!!! I'm gonna be so sore tomorrow!

So what brought on this burst of energy? Well...

Yesterday was my day to practice piano. Well, not the only day, but it was the dedicated day for it. I have been a bit busy since I got back from Brisbane - busy, or was I just procrastinating? I can be really good at doing everything except the thing that really needs to be done. So I had deliberately kept Sunday free to concentrate on this.

I guess I've had trouble getting motivated because the tunes I'm supposed to be working on have not really got me inspired. I can't seem to achieve the sound I'm looking for and don't feel technically strong or creative enough to get what I want. As you can imagine, this is very frustrating. I think the problem is that these two songs have not been workshopped with the rest of the band, as is our usual mode of operation. I have pretty much been sent off to the bedroom to come up with something. And it's just not coming. You may recall I attempted to record these tracks before Christmas, with so-so results. This Wednesday will be the second and hopefully final attempt. So I really am on a deadline to kick these songs into shape.

But, yesterday, I was floundering a bit, and decided I needed some air. I had been in the study for the whole day alternating between the computer and keyboard, so it was time to stretch my legs. I'm really glad I did! It was a gorgeous evening, and I pushed myself to walk fast for about half an hour. I felt much better afterwards. Here are some photos I took along the water...

After dinner I watched Shopgirl (I thought it was beautiful) and then was browsing some blogs (procrastinating again - should have been going to bed) and found Amanda who was talking about trying to get motivated to go to the gym... and I remembered that I purchased a 3-week trial pass to my local gym the other day for $10. Spurred on by my power-walk and increasingly flabby tummy and Amanda's inspiring story I decided tomorrow was the day to get my ass to the gym.

I'll keep you posted with how this spurt of motivation goes, but I really want to keep it up for at least the three weeks I've paid for.

Chester was HEAPS better yesterday, totally himself again, trotting round the house, jumping up on me, etc. VERY happy about this!!! The new medication is making a huge difference. This morning he has woken up with a nasty cough. Which is weird, because his cough has been virtually gone since I went to Brisbane. I gave him some cough mixture this morning and that seems to have helped. We'll see how it goes... honestly, if it's not one thing, it's another!! But I'd rather have a dog with a cough than a dog who collapses and can't breathe properly! Poor little Chester, he's SO cute!! I love him so much!!


Blogger Amanda said...

"Amanda's inspiring story" awww, you're sweet! Glad Chester's better, nothing makes me sad more than poor little animals in distress.

Thanks for the suggestion re: Buteyko. I'm going to look into it. I thought I'd grown out of asthma too, normally it only effects me when I get a cold. Until now.

Hope your inspiration materialises from somewhere, so you can make more awesome rock music. I'm assuming it's awesome!

January 15, 2007 3:55 PM  

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