Thursday, May 15, 2008
About Me
- Name: Aussie Rock Chick
- Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Rather obsessed with music, love playing music as well as dancing to it. Live north of the river in Melbourne with my beautiful partner Adam. ***The purpose of this blog is to tell stories about the rise and rise to superstardom - which won't be possible if I name the band I play in. So, if you are smart enough to work out what band I play in, could you KINDLY REFRAIN FROM REFERRING TO THE BAND NAME in your comments... and on your own blog PLEASE AVOID LINKING THE BAND NAME WITH THIS BLOG OR MY NAME. Thankyou! Right, now that we've got that out of the way - enjoy!
Some of the blogs I read some of the time (In no particular order... except that the good ones are up the top obviously and the shitter ones are down the bottom
- The World Of S
- Brennig Jones
- Honey, now if I'm honest
- Painting With Light
- All you need is DelightfulJen and a dream...
- I Blogged Myself
- Not Going Nowhere
- The rumblings of a modest earth dweller
- Heavy Purrings
- What goes up...
- Successfamebeercandy
- Dot and Mars
- World. Oyster. Stage.
- Life is a Highway
- Fluffy as a cat
- What's This On My Hand?
- Redrum
- I'm On Your Computer
- How High The Sky?
- Cherry Blossom Adventures
- Do I have to?
- Bills and Moon
- Cremated
- Skinny Latte
- The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs
- Welcome to the Enny-Pen
- Reasons You Will Hate Me
- Much Ado about sumthin!
- Okay Seriously
- Words From The Illustrious Beefcake Almighty Ok it was a joke... you're not that shit.
Stuff I'm excited about...
Here are some reviews I've written...
Previous Posts
- In rockstar news...
- Blues
- Wanna be in a band?
- Ok time for a rant. So yeah I know I haven't poste...
- Still here...
- Goodbye
- I got my boy back!
- Dust, Drinking, Drivetime and Dearstalking...
- Studio Success!
- Feeling very attractive
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- January 2008
- March 2008
- May 2008
- July 2008