Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Another year older...

Yesterday was my 28th birthday.

After a long weekend of birthday funness, I feel like the most loved and spoiled person in the world.

Adam flew down for the weekend, making it already special.

On Saturday night, 25 of my closest friends and family gathered for dinner at a Thai restaurant on Brunswick St, where everybody sits on cushions on the floor and eats way too much food and talks way too much crap. It was a great mixture of people from all my random friendship groups, and all got along well - some a little too well! I was given an astonishing array of gifts which I didn't expect, including an iPod shuffle, an amazing book about the gigs that changed the world, perfume (j'adore), champagne, vanilla vodka... the list goes on. And one group of friends all put in for a shopping expedition for "rockstar clothes" (more on that later).

I had a brilliant time, it was hilarious to see everyone including my dad sprawled on the floor sharing thai dishes and chatting to random people. A few people started to leave and I felt the night drawing to a close so asked the waiter for the bill. Ross was the one who said "but isn't there birthday cake?"

So we did birthday cake and then sorted out the bill which went remarkably smoothly given the number of people and the fact that everyone had eaten/drunk different things, shared meals etc.

Then a select group moved on to the Black Pearl, a gorgeous cozy bar just down the road for drinks. A few more people met us here and we stayed until about 3am drinking and talking yet more crap.

The next day I felt rather shabby, and unfortunately had to be at rehearsal at noon. Adam loaded up the car for me (not a small deal given the hundreds of kilos of gear I possess) and I headed off reluctantly. Usually I love rehearsal, but today I was a bit tired and cranky and just couldn't be bothered.

Rehearsal went ok anyway, and afterwards we headed to a nearby pizza shop to discuss our upcoming Sydney trip and the general future. At about 9pm I bailed, exhausted, bringing a takeaway Margarita home to my boy.

We sat on the couch, watched the end of Empire Strikes Back together and went to bed early. Couple happiness!

Monday was my actual birthday and we met Sandra for breakfast at 9.30 near the Botanical Gardens. She was her usual fun self and there was lots of sunshine so a brilliant start to the day.

Then Adam and I headed to Brunswick street to start the rockstar shopping expedition while we waited for Mich to join us. We found an amazing Alannah Hill furry coat majorly discounted (it's summer now) and a cute lightning bolt necklace. Adam bought me these. Spoiled!!

By the time Mich arrived I had found the perfect rockstar dress. I tried it on again to get her seal of approval and we agreed it was awesome. By this time we had been there for so long Adam was serving customers in the store.

All day text messages and phone calls were pouring in wishing me a happy birthday. I didn't know I knew this many people!! So lovely!!

We met Amber and Justin for lunch and then all five of us traipsed around while I looked for a belt to match the dress. Justin came up with the winning one.

For dinner we had dessert.

Amber works in a restaurant called Hot Chocolate, which only serves coffees, cakes & desserts (oh and cocktails) so we completely pigged out on sweet things until we felt completely sick.

Then I drove Adam to the airport (sniff), and went to RRR to fill for Local and/or General - a new music & demos program. By this time my voice was exhausted from partying, talking, singing and drinking too much for the last few days, so it was a bit of a flat show. I think the music was good though. Just struggled to get much sparkle into the presentation. Oh well...

I fell into bed at about 1am, pretty damn pleased with the great weekend I'd had. Lots of people don't like birthdays because either they don't like getting older or they don't like people making a fuss over them, but I love it!!! The getting older thing is starting to be less fun, but I always used to want to be older than I was so I have never really minded it. Now that it's getting closer to the big three oh it's a bit daunting, but I know heaps of people in their 30s having the time of their lives so I'm really not that worried. And as for people fussing over me... I love it!! What can I say??? Once a year I love having a good excuse for everything to be all about me and I don't think I'll ever get tired of that!


Blogger TryingTimes said...

*cough cough*

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Aussie Rock Chick...
Happy birthday to yoooo (and many more).

Have spent a portion of the weekend listening to RRR.

You've got to let us have your on-air schedule!


December 11, 2006 8:32 AM  

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